indoor chemistry
Der Begriff wurde in den frühen 90’er Jahren geprägt und beschreibt die chemischen Vorgänge im „Reaktionsgefäß Innenraum“, wo unter Einwirkung von Ozon, Licht usw. aus dem vorhandenen Substanzgemisch neue Stoffe entstehen.
Siehe auch „Sekundärprodukte“
„Indoor chemistry changes the type and concentration of chemicals present in indoor environments. In the past, products of indoor chemistry were often overlooked, reflecting a focus on stable, relatively non-polar organic compounds coupled with the use of sampling and analytical methods that were unable to ’see‘ many of the products of such chemistry.
Today, researchers who study indoor environments are more aware of the potential for chemistry to occur. Awareness is valuable, because it leads to the use of sampling methods and analytical tools that can detect changes in indoor environments resulting from chemical processes. This, in turn, leads to a more complete understanding of occupants‘ chemical exposures, potential links between these exposures and adverse health effects and, finally, steps that might be taken to mitigate these adverse effects.“
Quelle: Weschler, CJ; Chemistry in indoor environments: 20 years of research. Indoor Air.2011 Jun;21(3):205-18. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0668.2011.00713.x. Epub 2011 Apr 18.
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